Cory getting ready to engineer a good golf shot
Thompy getting ready to "beat feet"
I knew this day would come......the day I would come crawling back to the blog world. Thanks to Lisa and Gutie who groveled for me to stay. I suppose a lot has gone on since my last post. A quick summary is needed. In late May it was time again for Brett's annual charity golf outing in OKC. He is a 5th grade teacher in the hood of OKC, and the charity allows a few kids from his class to go to D.C. for a leadership conference. Good work....and as I always say "Trick loves da kids." The golf was sub-par at best, but we won the best all-you-can-eat wings for 10 at Hooters.......classy! There may have been a mohawk involved.
Father's Day weekend I was back in Salina. A ton of things going on......River Festival, class reunions(not mine), and the Salina Charities Golf Tournament. The golf was my main draw, but it was fun to be back in town with friends. I am mad at myself for missing Cassie's booth at the River Festival......even missed Moe who came in from the Chi (pronounced shy for all those haters). Sorry ladies, guess I will have to commission a piece and make a trip to the Chi. Or maybe an August trip to Colorado would make up for it? Anyway, it was the standard Charities weekend with late nights, early tee times, and WWW. Brett and I won the tournament, or at least the Championship flight. We won all matches except one(damn you Joe Rheem) and won all bets. I made the horse race and took second. All in all, a good trip.
Rowdy has been having fun lately too. He had a friend over this past weekend......Zena. She is a black lab mix, very sweet older dog. My neighbor Julie was so nice to take care of Rowdy when I went to San Antonio, it was only a matter of time before my obligation was called upon. Zena was great and almost easier than Rowdy to take care of. She is kind of a fraidy cat, but her and Rowdy were boyfriend/girlfriend when it was all said and done. I think Rowdy likes black females.....he always had a thing for Shamrock back in StL. Well, that is all......hopefully I can keep up on posts. Later
The "Hawk".....looks bad from up top, wasn't all that bad of a look
Yeah!!! You are not deserting your fan base, thank God. See, my nagging and whining can be good for something.
Oh, and I think that your title for this post should have actually been:
"Guess who's back in the muthaf*&^%#ing house, with a fat ... "
Okay, I won't go any further. But I'll buy you a beer, or perhaps one of your famous summer delights or whatever you call those nasty things, if you can name the song and artist. Actually, this will be a challenge for all of you out there in blog world. Bring it.
C'mon Lisa, you really dare to challenge my rap knowledge.....?
.....dick for yo muthaf#$@#$ing mouth, Ho's recognize, n****'s do too, cause when bithches get scandalous, its time to voodoo. what you go'n do, you really don't know, so I'd advise you not to truss dat ho. Silly of me to fall in luv wit a bitch, know damn well she get caught up wit my grip. So now as the sun rotates and my game rolls bigga, how many bitches wanna fuck this n*****a. Good enough? I suppose I don't need to give you artist and title if I can recite the whole song?
Next title should be "High Plains Drifter"
Okay, I'll buy you a summer delight the next time I see you, Wadizzle. Dang.
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