2. The KU basketball team remains unbeaten looking like the best team in the country at times. Make some F-ing freethrows is all I have to say. Big game at Mizzourah this weekend. I was just offered some tickets from a co-worker in StL which I don't think I can pass up. Just look at these morons. You can't help but hate these guys.

4. Rowdy wants me to stop talking about sports and more about his life (he says, "this is MY blog ya know"). We had an unseasonably warm weekend not too long ago, so it was time to take a trip to the dog park. I met co-workers Kim and Sarah, and Rowdy was introduced to Rocko, Rascal, and Delilah. They has a great time running around in what I would describe as a cess pool of mud, leftover snow, and feces. Rowdy looked more like a chocolate lab after the trip. He had a blast though just running around. Don't tell him, but I think he has a little ADD. While most dogs seem to follow each other around, Rowdy has is own agenda and only he knows what it is. It just seems like aimless wandering to me.....almost anti-social.
Lesson #84: Even though Rowdy has never been to this dog park, he has an uncanny ability of knowing where our destination is. Mostly he lets me know he is anticipating some fun by whining uncontrollably even with all the windows down.
Lesson #113: Rowdy tries to 'mark' everything. Initially, he peed like a girl until he was two or so. Now the guy wants to pee on everything. The best is that he is usually void of product after 2-3 lifts of the leg, but he procedes to neurotically try to spread his scent around.
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