Christmas was a little different than in other years past. For one, I am a single guy with a dog who has very little in the way of Christmas decorations. So, at my house, there was no tree, no lights, no holiday flair. I am not a scrooge by any means, but I just don't see the point. Also, I am used to TONS of Christmas music.....especially at work. It usually starts just after Thanksgiving and painstakingly jabs into my ears until I want to cut them off. Luckily with my new job, we only had a 1/2 day of it! Thanks Tanya, Kim, Sara, and Wendy!! So needless to say, Christmas kind of snuck up on me. Plus, with only 2 days to spend at home, it didn't seem like much of a holiday. But it was good to be home nonetheless. My niece Ada stole most of the attention (rightfully so.....what a cutie), and I think Rowdy was pretty jealous. he was so excited to meet Ada he jumped up to give her a kiss. Sorry buddy, but that will get you solitary confinement in the living room behind some gates.
Lesson #12: Rowdy has mild separation anxiety and he will whine for several hours if he is confined even if he can see you.
Family Pic

Christmas Ada

Learning to pull on goatees

Opening first Christmas present
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